Atty. Karen
16,968 85%
Old video of atty. karen with a neophyte
Don't know if that lady u'r referring to is the same lady on this vid. well, i'm not familiar of what you'r saying all about. got this vid from my american colleague saying an old video from her friend during college days... don't double guess if you're not sure buddy! you're just making trouble of ur unusual intententions. just watch all vids uploaded by members and enjoy! DID I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?
Fuck.If this is the atty. that you mean then goddamn it the CROWN will have a fucking scandal on his ass. And this is the least of his worries. Nya hahaha. Im gonna tweet the prosecution on this. This is too good to pass up. Goddamn. Fucking loser that CROWN. Wonder if he's also banging good ol' spokeslady.