''FUCCCCCCcckkkkKKK'-'MMMMmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeEE!!'' -''SHE IS ''SEXIER'' -Than'- ''SEXY!!!'' -''BEAUTIFUL'-'FAT'- [ BUT PERFECTLY FAT!!] -'JUICY'-'ROUND'-''ARSE'' -''That ''LOOKS SO - ''GOOD'' -'in the -''SMACK THAT ARSE' 'VIDEO'' -''with those -''SEXY'-'STRETCHY'-'SHEER'-'RED'-'PANTIE'S'' -'Stretched over those -''AMAZING'-'PLUMP'-'JIGGLY'-'BUM-CHEEK'S'' - ''I bet that her -''LUCKY - FELLA'' -'Permanently walk's around looking like he's got a ''COAT-HANGER'' wedged in his mouth with the the look on his face like he has just -''WON THE LOTTERY!!'' - [He Has!!] -''And a ''PERMANENT LOB-ON'' -''Knowing that soon as he get's home after 'Work' or 'The Boozer' he can ''SETTLE-DOWN'' to ''VIDEO HIS SEXY MISSES'' -''As she ''PUT'S ON VARIOUS SEXY SHEER KNICKER'S'-'SMACKING HER -''FUCK-OFF'-'DELICIOUS'-'THICK'-'ARSE''-'ETC'- 'for a few hour's!!' -''THEN TO ROUND OFF ALL THAT!!''-''BLESS-HIM!!'' - ''He Get's ''STUCK RIGHT INTO DOING THE BIS!!!!'' -''FUCK!!'' -''Some people ''AV ALL THE LUCK!!'' -''LOL!!'' ... ''Fair-Play - Me'ol'Mate - ''SHE'S -''PROPER!!!'' ...''Lovely Video's!!'' - ''Thanxx 4 Making my DAY!!!''...'R'XX.