Das ist ein sehr schönes Profil, es gefällt mir sehr gut, ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn ich dir eine Freundschaftsanfrage schicken dürfte, MFG Tom
I'm intrigued! What exactly is "very nice" about a totally blank profile that has no access to, which is set to a "visible to friends only" mode (which at the time of you writing this, are not yet a friend of his) and which has two uploaded videos (this public "dance" video of terrible quality that appears to be shot in 1993 with a vhs camcorder; and another inaccessible private video which is set to "friends only" (which again, at the time of you writing this, are not yet a friend of his)? I'd love to understand what is so "nice" about someone with a totally blank profile and one uploaded video of terrible quality and mild content?